Report: SLA/DLP 3D printing
This Tuesday we had one more of our fully booked courses. The topic was SLA/DLP 3D printing. SLA stands for stereolitography and DLP for digital light processing. Both ot those acronyms are used as...
This Tuesday we had one more of our fully booked courses. The topic was SLA/DLP 3D printing. SLA stands for stereolitography and DLP for digital light processing. Both ot those acronyms are used as...
Course exceptionally in Finnish. Kurssilla tutustutaan vaihtoehtoiseen 3D-tulostusteknologiaan. SLA- ja DLP-tulostusteknologiat mahdollistavat pursotusteknologiaa tarkemman jäljen ja pienemmät yksityiskohdat. Ilmoittaudu: Event registration
What would be better gift for an open minded crafts interested car enthusiasts and kid – a laser cut plywood car kit. The design is Rays_is on Thingiverse and cut from 4mm birch plywood at the...
After the soap making course & workshop it was time to prepare the self-made soap to be nice looking presents for Christmas. Initial Packaging The soap from the soap making process was actually forgot...
The thing is not that the black 3D printer would be inoperative but it is just sitting there at the end of the table doing nothing. Or at least that is what it had...
On today’s open house we tried something new on the laser cutter: spray painting white acrylic and engraving parts of the paint off resulted in something pretty cool.
It is possible to make soap yourself but the process deals with some chemicals you have to be aware of. Soap making course is good for getting to know the safety concerns. During the...
Syyskokous tuli, syyskokous meni, päätöksiäkin tehtiin ensi vuotta ajatellen. Aluksi esiteltiin toimintasuunnitelma ensi vuodelle ja keskusteltiin sisällöstä joka olikin pääosin hyvä, pilkkua vähän viilailtiin. Talouden todettiin riittävän vuokraan ja mahdollisesti saattaa muutama ropo riittää...