Friday outcome and continuation today
Yesterday was a great day as the doors found their place with the help of professional carpenter Jason from company Punainen Vaahtera – what a great pro. Also the wall is almost ready and...
Yesterday was a great day as the doors found their place with the help of professional carpenter Jason from company Punainen Vaahtera – what a great pro. Also the wall is almost ready and...
Tänään Vaasan Yliopistolla oli VYY:n järjestämät järjestömessut, joissa opiskelijakerhot, osakunnat, muut harrastekerhot ja -tahot esittelivät toimintaansa. Lähdettiin sinnekin sitten mukaan. Ilmoittautumisen yhteydessä toiveeksi laitettiin että West Coast Startupin tai Vaasa Entrepreneurship Societyn viereen. Messujärjestäjä...
Today was a good day to get visible things done as previous days were spent on preparation and other supporting functions. We were able to build the wall to keep the saw dust on...
Tiistaina jälleen kuten useampana aikaisempana tiistaina oli ohjelmassa remonttia. Seinää kaatui ja nousi ja saatiin seinien paikkoja suunniteltuakin. Nyt on suunnilleen selvät sävelet siihen, että miten homma jatkuu eteenpäin ja loppu on sitten enemmän...
New wall material is mostly at hand. Now it just needs some work and fixings. Almost ready for the autumn.
Yesterday was a great day for tearing down walls and once again moving around piles of boxes. The end result was more or less satisfactory but still work needs to be done. Next up...
After the exhausting but pretty straight forward meeting there was still time and energy to hack on other things. The other things this time consisted of examination of ice cube makers. First the big...
This might not look like a hacklab but it is a view of perhaps the new hacklab. There is still some planning that needs to be done and also some construction. This Wednesday was...