Automatic plant watering device
Call it a robotic gardener or an artificial green thumb, it is a device that keeps the soil of my chili plant wet. The principle is simple. A moisture sensor hooked up to an...
Call it a robotic gardener or an artificial green thumb, it is a device that keeps the soil of my chili plant wet. The principle is simple. A moisture sensor hooked up to an...
Tiistaina 8.3. kello 18 alkaen järjestetään Arduinon alkeiskurssi. Kurssimaksu 12 € sisältää Arduino-yhteensopivan mikrokontrollerin. Ilmoittautuminen Holvissa. Tutustutaan Arduino-mikrokontrolleriperheeseen ja -työkaluihin. Ei vaadi ennakko-osaamista. Omat läppärit mukaan mikäli mahdollista. Asenna Arduino IDE etukäteen. Tavoitteena on...
It has been over a year since the publishing of the blog post about ESP8266 microcontroller, DS18B20 temperature sensor and ThingSpeak cloud of Internet of Things. It did gain huge audience and is still...
Attaching an accelerometer to the underside of the lid of a mailbox, hooking up a microcontroller, an LED and a piezo buzzer can make a device that notifies from incoming mail. The microcontroller (ATtiny85)...
My first robot took me more than a year to finish. Yesterday I challenged myself to build a new robot from scratch in just one day. After almost exactly 12 hours of planning and...
Decided to take a new project for summer (it actually took a lot longer as now is December): a 3D-printer. I have been dreaming of building one like last two years but now finally...
In about two weeks there will be a great two day event of computer games, gaming, development and future at University of Vaasa – Vaasa Game Days. The Plan We decided to get into...
This Wednesday it was time to continue on the 3d-scanner project and as that project has been ongoing for a bit too long it was shortly put aside and the Robot Challenge of Hackerspace...