Hacklab – new premises at Stalli
Vaasa Hacklab has moved to Stalli and can be now found there. Wednesday open house events continue as previously, as well as workshops on Tuesdays. With workshops there is however a short break because of summer holidays.
New premises are located at Stalli, in the Kasarmi area. Building number 37, at the Koulukatu side.
New premises consist of:
- Softlab for fabrics and crafts
- Woodlab for woodworks
- Electronics lab for electrical works and 3D printing
- Laserlab for lasercutting and engraving
- Hotlab for hot- and metal works
- Kitchen for eating and preparing food
- Lounge for hanging out and keeping courses
More detailed listing at our Workshop page.
At the other side of our premises you can find Vaasan Taidegraafikot.