Storage Policy updated
In the spring meeting last Thursday, we made some changes to Hacklab’s storage policy.
The rules are still pretty much the same as before, with some more specifications and some previously unwritten rules are now written down.
Short summary: Each member paying the monthly fee gets a box to store their personal items. If a project does not fit in the box, it can be temporarily stored at Hacklab premises. In this case, mark your project clearly with an expiration date, which means the date when the project will be completed and/or removed from Hacklab premises. The date does not have to be exact, one month’s accuracy is enough.
Unmarked project or materials are automatically considered free to use by anyone. The idea behind this is that you can leave usable leftover materials at Hacklab for other people to use, and if you find an unmarked piece of material, you can use it in your project without having to ask around trying to find out who it belongs to.
View the full storage policy at
The policy is also printed on the door to the wood workshop and the wall on member storage room.
Happy hacking!

Example of a marked project