Vaasa Hacklab Blog


Friction welding 3D prints

Turns out 3D printed stuff can be welded with a rotary tool. When a piece of filament is mounted in a rotary tool and spun against a 3D printed object, the friction causes enough heat...


HackBBQ and Open House 8.6.2016

Grill + Friends. Open house to show and display past and future projects. 3D-art, wooden thingies, jewellery. The event starts already at 16 but no idea on when the grill is hot. At the same...


Hack the Lab 7.6.2016

On Tuesday 7.6. there will be a Hack the Lab day. The focus is on making the lab a better place. Focus is on organizing, guides and cleaning. We need more stickers, more guides, more...


Fun with laser cutter: wood grain sticker for phone

Inspiration for this project was a company named dbrand which sells skin sticker for phones, tablets and laptops in different colors and patterns. After looking around on their site I thought “How hard this...


Jälkimateriaalia ohjelmoinnin peruskurssilaisille

Pari viikkoa sitten pidettiin ohjelmoinnin peruskurssi, jonka aikana lupailin tehdä blogipostauksen materiaaleista. Kurssi pohjautui pääasiassa omiin kokemuksiini ohjelmointityössä ja “Automate the Boring Stuff with Python – Practical Programming for Total Beginners” -kirjaan, joka on...