Sticker crusade to KauhaYOki
Hacklab Vaasa traveled to spread some maker space propaganda to the city of Kauhajoki. A lot of people attended and we had our hands full all evening finding and modifying designs, printing and pressing...
Hacklab Vaasa traveled to spread some maker space propaganda to the city of Kauhajoki. A lot of people attended and we had our hands full all evening finding and modifying designs, printing and pressing...
Maanantain ja alkaneen viikon kunniaksi käytiin pojan kanssa Hacklabilla askartelemassa. Vuorossa oli silikoniset helmet, satiininauha, tuttirenkaita, turvalukkoja ja klipsejä eli tarvikkeet imetyskoruihin ja tuttinauhoihin. Näin saadaan pojan kädet keskittymään imetyksen aikana johonkin muuhun kuin...
Tomorrow’s workshop topic is wearable electronics. Let’s experiment with conductive wire and sew some LEDs to stuff to create self-lighting clothes to prepare for the darkening nights. The workshop starts 18:00.
Kasa ihmisiä, muutama ompelukone ja pari saumuria. Porukalla on mukava tehdä erilaisia projekteja valmiiksi tai aloittaa uusia käsitöitä.
Tomorrow sewing workshop at Hacklab, attached pictures of some fabrics for sale tomorrow.
Workshop at Vaasa Hacklab – bring your own T-shirt, figure out which items needs personalising. Notebooks, clothes, cars and mirrors all enjoy a personal touch. No need to register, free of charge for members, 5...
Stickers can be easily cut with Roland vinyl-cutter, the only trouble for me is deciding what to cut. Here are a few examples of what I’ve cut – name tags, cats and motivational quotes.
Vaasa Hacklab is not only about woodworks and electronics – there is also a soft side. At the Vaasa Hacklab Softlab you can cut your own stickers and heat transfer foils, as well as...