Author: mikeful


Game development workshop 10.3.

On tuesday 10.3. we’ll have game development workshop containing basics of using Godot game engine/editor. We’ll install Godot and build small platform jumping game as example. Please bring your own computer so you can...


DMR-hotspot rakennusloki

Loppukesästä 2019 päädyin opiskelemaan radioamatööripätevyyden ja hankkimaan radioluvan. Olen aloittanut tämän jo pari kertaa aikaisemmin, mutta pääsin tällä kertaa alkua pidemmälle. Opiskelumateriaalien läpi lukemisen ja siellä vastaan tulleiden uusien asioiden opiskelun jälkeen kokeilin muutamia...


Workshop report: 3D printed robot

Few weeks ago we had two part workshop about building and programming 3D printed robot. During workshops we assembled OTTO DIY robot kit and programmed it using Arduino IDE. The kit came neatly packed...


Progress on metal workshop

There has been push to organize our metal workshop into better shape and much progress has been made. Metal shelves were moved to attic with all the stuff stored previously there. Workbench and bigger...


Course 21.8. DIY Electric Vehicles

Interested in Tesla electric cars or other transport methods of future? Mikko will present currently available electric vehicles and tell about DIY electric skateboard summer project. You are welcome to bring your own projects...