Course Report: Basics of Vinyl Cutting
New tools need proper training and courses and that is the reason we had a course yesterday. Basics of vinyl cutting with Roland CAMM-1 GS-24 cutter.
Lessons learned:
- It cuts 600 mm wide
- It uses Windows software CutStudio
- Inkscape has extension to interact with CutStudio – other ways of cutting vector images are challenging
- Too much speed on the direction of unrolling the roll causes motor error
- Hacklab is soon full of different stickers
- Use the supplied Vinyl Cutter Computer
- Picking the cutout can be challenging and practice makes better – it is about technique
Other things to note:
- Experimenting with cardboard or paper should be done with some cheap Chinese blade and not with the new and shiny expensive one.
- The cutting vinyl is not cheap but it is not expensive either. The cost of cutting is around 10€/m depending on material used
- It is possible to cut heat transfer material to make t-shirts or some other clothes with vectors on them.