Crafting Christmas Greetings – Demo Stencil
Once again the year is coming to an end and before the end there is Christmas. Handcrafting greetings and gifts to who ever is entitled to one is great fun. This time the plan included a 3D-printed stencil to use for painting. The stencil is pretty easily done with a vector graphics program and then by using for example openscad to make it a 3D-model.
The trick is to keep the freely floating objects in place. For a more professional looks it is easily printed in more 3D form where the attaching strings can be a lot higher on the openings and thus will be completely invisible in the final paint job.
The first spray paint color at hand was gold and it did not work that well with the scrap wood piece I tried it on.
Next it is time to plan the actual seasons greetings drawing and make a better 3D model with the support structures. Perhaps paint on fabric or leather