Category: Uncategorized

Study about Hackerspaces and DIY communities 0

Study about Hackerspaces and DIY communities

Founding (and former active) member of Tampere Hacklab Jarkko Kyyberi Moilanen has done some study on DIY communities. Latest presented at University of Tampere today. Presentation at speakerdeck: Title in finnish – contents...


Step by step on setting up a hackerspace

In the wiki there are the great design patterns on creating and running a hackerspace. Some of those that are already done: Grace hopper, Community, wiki still missing Critical mass,...


More organized

Last week we organized the information technology equipment into our new rack to get – well – more organized. This time it was time to play some “hide the boxes” game and try to...


Nice rack aka racking things

Some days ago we were able to source a nice rack to hold the bulk information technology and the not so bulk technology. Idea is to keep IT safe and organized and distinguish the...


Report: 3D printing course

Just before the celebration of first year of operation there was enough time to go through some basic of 3D printing. The idea was to figure out the steps needed to go from idea...


Vaasa Hacklab täyttää 1 vuotta

Huomasimme äskettäin että Vaasa Hacklab ry perustettiin noin vuosi sitten eli 27.3.2013. Vuoden aikana löysimme tilat, olemme pystyttäneet sinne verstaan, keränneet yhdistykseen jäseniä ja toteuttaneet kiinnostavia projekteja. Lopputalvesta kävimme tapaamassa Suomen muiden hacklabien jäseniä...