Making of a car and a white mouse
It is not uncommon for hacklabs to be dealing with car related projects but mice are a bit more rare.
This two day project consisted of planning and building of a car and a mouse. Both were designed to be white with some more colours on details.
The base frames were also painted but painted white and this work was done offsite as it was outsourced and thus there are no photos of that procedure. But it was the result of day one.
The wheels were ready made wooden wheels, axles are 6mm round wood with some washers between the wheel and the base. The ears are made from cardboard rounds and the tail is from 3mm polyprop line. The tail is plugged in a hole drilled in the mouse with a wooden D-shaped plug that lets the tail pass on the flat part.
There are not that many photos of the car as the customer was not willing to publish the outcome.